K'Ching Seal Jobs

Get around fast with K’Ching

Want to buy train tickets quickly and easily without queueing or cash?

K’Ching is all you need! Tap ‘More cool stuff’ and you’ll have your ticket in no time.

Forget other apps or separate user accounts. Just buy your ticket with K’Ching before you leave and show it to the guard on your phone.

Briefly losing your mobile Internet on the train isn’t a problem, as your tickets stay available offline.

Good to know

  • You pay the same as you would with SNCB.
  • K’Ching gives you prices based on your age and including applicable reductions (like a large family discount).
  • You can only buy tickets for yourself.

How does it work?

  1. Open K’Ching and go toDiscover
    Tap ‘More cool stuff’.

  2. Select SNCB
    Hit ‘Buy ticket’.

  3. Pick the easiest route
    Plan your trip and confirm your purchase.

  4. Done!
    Show the ticket on your phone to the guard.
Get K’Ching to buy train tickets

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All you need to know about SNCB and costs